Google, cheap software, tutorials on YouTube — all available at our fingertips — have given us the potential to develop god-like skills in web design, programming, content writing, and image editing, amongst other things.
It almost feels like anything and everything can be accomplished with nothing more than rolled up sleeves and a gung-ho DIY work ethic.
Software is certainly getting easier to use. The promises on the packaging are promoted loudly on the box: “get more done in less time!” or “revolutionize the way you do business!” The most enticing of all tells you that you can have a professional website tailored to all your needs in “just a few mouse clicks!”.
What the packaging never tells you is that while you can install the program and use its basic functions with relative ease, it takes a lot of time and experience to actually become competent — and many more years to be considered an expert. It’s the reason why people pay thousands of dollars to colleges and universities to learn just one aspect of how to develop a proper website — and why the best websites are developed by teams, pooling their knowledge, experience, and expertise in their respective fields to deliver the best possible product.
If you are like any business owner I’ve ever met, I know you don’t get much time off. Your primary job is to run a successful business. This involves making good decisions. You’re careful about where your money goes. You want to see results on any investments. It’s this kind of strategic thinking that’s gotten you where you are. For some reason, however, many business owners still think it is okay to cut corners when it comes to a website.
Your website is not only your business card, but also the main hub of how you project yourself and your business to the world. It’s an investment for both the present and the future of your business, and should be a critical piece in your overall growth strategy.
So take a look at your current website. Have you done your due diligence and measured your own online presence against others in your field? Have you taken into account where you place in a Google search result compared to your competitors with an SEO Audit? Have you done everything to prepare your website so that potential clients will decide to work with you instead of them?
Next time you feel an overwhelming urge to download Photoshop or crack open WordPress or Wix, ask yourself these questions:
1. How much is my time worth per hour?
2. Have I done this before and can I really do this properly?
3. Do I feel like I can create something that can impress clients and competitors alike?
In the end, you’ll get better ROI when experienced WordPress Maintenance professionals build or maintain the right website, not just any website. The critical thing to remember is that you’re not just paying for a working site, you’re paying for experienced consultants to plan the site strategically to get leads and look good at the same time!
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